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Our aim is to provide excellent quality, tailored IT support services well suited to the size and type of business. 


Our basic support models are listed below, please give us a call to discuss your support needs.


Our primary support offering. We provide bespoke support packages tailored to to the needs and resources of your business. 


Regular on-site visits provide time for IT project work, consultancy, maintenance and troubleshooting as required


A reduced telephone support offering, often well suited to those companies with some in-house IT resources providing backup and additional expertise as needed.


Of course we can still provide ad-hoc and emergency on-site service as needed or attend for project-based work.


Usually encompassed in our NetCARE support package. We can provide remote access support to diagnose and often resolve issues without a site visit being necessary.


If you are a remote support customer please install the AbacusRemote software from the link at the bottom of the page and we can assist you,


Providing quality supply & support of computer systems & networks for the business community since 2001

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